Mzaar Ski Resort Lebanon
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Chateau D'Eau Hotel   Faraya, Near Chabrouh Dam From US$91 7 / 10
27 reviews
Book Chateau D'Eau Hotel
Chateau D'Eau HotelA 4-stars cozy lodge overlooking the legendary Faraya valley and located 5 minutes away from Mzaar snowy slopes. Hotel provides daily shuttle to ski arena. More
Soulouge Chalets   Faraya, Ouyoune Al-Simane From US$136 6.8 / 10
2 reviews
Book Soulouge Chalets
Soulouge ChaletsBudget self-catering chalets, nicely furnished and located mid-way between Faraya Village down the valley and the Mzaar ski slopes. All chalets are equipped with fireplace. More
Faraya Village Club   Faraya, Faraya Village From US$105 8.2 / 10
9 reviews
Book Faraya Village Club
Faraya Village ClubFarava Village Club is a favorite accommodation in the Favara Village area, just a 10 minute's drive from the action of the Mzaar Ski resort. More
The Lodge Inn Faraya
  Faraya, Faraya Village
US$100 7.5 / 10
17 reviews
Book The Lodge Inn Faraya
The Lodge Inn FarayaA new 4-star hotel located in Faraya village, just 10 minutes from the slopes, The Lodge Inn is a quaint getaway for your ski vacations. More

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